I've been guilty of procrastinating a little lately and there is no point denying it. I could blame a sense of apathy or offer many reasons for it, but none would distract from the main reason. That sometimes to drive something on is the hardest thing to do. The only person that can do that is myself. So maybe it's time to drive on now and throw less caution to the wind. It's not like there is a whole lot to lose given the times that are in it.
I spent the morning working on structural elements for the two book ideas i have for the next one. I'm really looking forward to getting stuck into writing something again in book form. Not sure if that extends to taking it the whole way on my own again, but at least I know if I can do it once, I more than likely can do it again. Though maybe the publishing Gods will shine favour someday, I love writing, but one can't be everything without going a little crazy along the way. That we can do without. I'm not setting deadlines for myself but once I begin the first draft I will write everyday until I have it completed. I hope to write it through the night as there are no distractions during that time of the day. It won't be possible all the time but I know I can get through a whole lot more at night. Reading through my notes and starting to put it into an order makes me want to race away at it now.
But that would only mean more work in the long run, so if I have learned anything from Booker's World I need to implement it now. It's a tough enough process without making oneself go around in circles when there is no need for it. No longer the rebel. Am I actually conforming to age old ideals that have worked for others on uncounted occasions before?
There are so many angles and theories out there about how to do things. For me, I read a lot of them. By doing that it becomes clear what starts to be repetitive and when backed up by work on bookshelves, it's easier to see what works for writer's and what doesn't. Though process varies widely among writers, I thinking starting from the right place is a whole lot more rewarding than starting in the wrong place and trying to work your way back to that right place. Time will tell if planning is the right starting point before writing a first draft. I suspect it does.
I structurally planned Booker's World, but i developed the character through this blog as I wrote blind. It took nearly three months to write myself into a comfortable place with regard who the character was and what the story should tell. During editing it began to feel like a drag work-wise and by the time proofing came around there was definitely thoughts of 'is this worth it at all?' When formatting became an issue I was ready to raise the white flag. I think I can save myself a lot of those headaches this time around.
The launch is set to take place in two weeks time and I suppose all that comes with trying to get the book promoted after that can be blamed for the recent procrastination. It's always the bit that I felt wouldn't be in my comfort zone. Trials throughout and since its completion didn't help matter when it came to addressing the fact that the only one who can promote the book for the time being is myself and there really is little point putting in the sort of effort involved in writing it without trying to get it read. With readership will come critique I'm sure, but I've developed the skin for that. I certainly don't see myself doing a Howett. Any critique will be welcome if it is going to improve my writing as I continue to learn the craft. I find good advice hard to come by at times, so no sense ignoring it, especially when it comes with well-meaning.
Early commenter's have said the book is dark in it's early pages. I'm glad about that. I couldn't have wrote on the themes I did without it being a little dark, and I'm glad it came through through in my words. I'm sure there are harsher critic's about than well meaning friends, and only then perhaps I'll realise that a little procrastinating actually works when you want to go no-where in anytime you want.
Stumped? Yep, me too...
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