I am nearly positive that any heatwaves we have had since Ireland went under have fallen in the Spring months, followed by rainy Summers.
So having learned that when the Sun does decide to appear in warm form, it's best to make use of it and tan the scalp. I haven't done any writing in the last few days. Instead, it's been a lot of multi-tasking and trying to fit in that tanning as well. True to form, I expect the rest of the year to wash us out of it, based solely on observations, so I reckon there will be plenty of time to write.
I'm reasonably pleased with the reaction to Booker's World so far. For me, I write in the hope my work will be read and perhaps might mean something to people someday.
I'm not overly bothered how or at what speed that readership builds up, but it certainly feels like a weight off my shoulders to have the book done now. That's the thing about the Internet and blogging, if you set out to do something and you write about it, it kinda makes one have to finish what they set out to do. Pity the damn thing was not about 20 years ago!
Over the last 18 months I've built up friendships with a number of other writers and also readers. Over time I will send copies of Booker's World out to them. To date it has managed to venture to Ruffec, France, Fresno, California and Denver, Colorado. I got the picture below sent to me over the weekend from France. Bit of a world tour going on. If Rockers can do it, why not writers?

Harbor of Royan,
Maeva Segard
Maeva Segard
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