So, it has been a while. Not long enough, I hear some say.
In response to a 'Where's Don Booker gone?' question that's been asked in recent weeks, it's with regret I inform that the character has relieved himself of his duties and gone deeper into Ireland to pursue other avenues.
Will he be back?
Nope. His time at The Writing Life and Other Absurdities is over. Though, a follow up of Booker's World will be available sometime next year. Or the year after.
He may also turn up in unexpected places from time to time.
Why now?
As the old adage goes, 'It's as bad a time as any.'
Where's he gone?
Spare, I've heard mentioned.
What now for the blog?
A return to something that does more justice to its title.
In the coming weeks and months.
I'll miss reading his bullshit?
Final Muse?
He came. He saw. He ran.
Amazing blog and very interesting stuff you got here! I definitely learned a lot from reading through some of your earlier posts as well and decided to drop a comment on this one!