Over the years I've been used to watching the drip-feed nature of the way we run things here in Ireland. Whether it's addressing the multitude of wrong-doing in the white-collar sector or a good old fashioned economic collapse, the news comes slowly, in the interests of the State, of course.
I quickly formed views based on other elements of world affairs that unemployment afforded me the time to explore, and as a result was able to write about what is being done to this country of ours since the blog's first day online.
We may never get to the bottom of it all, but it is good to see a leading member of our Judiciary speak out publicly on matters concerning the top-tier of Irish society.
It's commendable that some people are able to see past the economics and see the bigger danger to Ireland in the short term. Austerity breeds nothing but contempt among people, and although I believe loyalties and cronyism bed deep in this land, that notion is changing, and people will make that known at the ballot box more effectively over the next twenty years. That's assuming we can hold it all together in the mean time. And we all know what assumptions do...
The problem is this. People now see how ineffective government in this country has been. Politics has lost its credibility, and it is a long way back. When you couple that with the bailout for the thievery that took place here over the past number of years and what people have had to pay for that, then people begin to think what is the point when your saddled at every juncture with a burden that proves to big for some. That's the tragic side of it, the equally worrying aspect is the fact that others will think the same, but instead of a tragic outcome, crime and social problems will fester.
That's what the government don't see. That doesn't rank on any agenda that's going anywhere, anytime soon. There are worthy politicians, don't get me wrong. But minorities are ineffective when it comes to the way we do things in this country. That's across the board. Ireland has always had its fair share of homelessness, addiction problems and problems stemming from mental health. With cutbacks and austerity each of these will become even more apparent over the coming years. Yet, it seems those in charge do not care. Foolish, if you ask me.
The jobs initiative announced yesterday was poor. Indeed, so has the opening two months of this governments tenure. Not much they can do under the present circumstances after we lost our sovereignty late last year to the IMF and the ECB.
The government is being told what to do, its pretty simple to see. So that tells you how worthless government actually is when all you are is 'Yes' men to financial vultures who deal in the misery of others. To be effective leaders then this government needs to think more radically. Smartly, but radically. Sadly, with the start they have had to date, it ain't looking good.
Yesterday's job package could have said something. It didn't. The main points include -
- Employers’ PRSI for workers on below €356 a week will be halved.
- The minimum wage to be restored to €8.65 per hour from July 1st.
- Extra funds for roads and schools.
- Back to education initiatives and internship scheme.
It's hardly ground-braking, is it? By way of a stimulus its about as useful as George W. Bush. Small plaudits can be given to the restoration of the minimum wage to its previous level. But in terms of reward for work done it's devaluing of human effort.
Back to education initiative is positive, but having been through that and found it stunk with elitism, i wish the ordinary joe soap luck.
Top civil servants earn hundreds of thousands in this country for running departments in ways that defy logic at times. We only have to look at Health, Education and the serious lack of funding to start up enterprises across this country to see that.
I read 'Tricky Dickie Bruton's' statement earlier where he announced some more measures to be implemented by the Autumn. That's only a season a way, but why wait? Why wait until we are further in the mire before we begin the fight back. Unless of course, there is not going to be one?
Internships are just another form of cheap labour. I've been on one of my own for nearly three years now. Haven't paid myself a cent. The cost of losing my job is well over 6 figures by now. Who's compensating the many like me for that? Certainly won't be the banks, as they continue to hound their majority shareholder for debt repayments on threat of all sorts of legal proceedings, while, wait for it, the majority shareholder backs them up until the eventual default in the coming year or so. It's then people will understand real problems on a social level.
But no sense in being negative! It is Hump Day! Have two pamphlets to write over the coming weeks. 55 ways to oust Enda and 31 ways to be Taoiseach for life. Might stick them out as ebooks, that's if Enda and Richard don't commission me for something else first.
All very draconian on a damp Wednesday night. But not so in Cannes, where writer and director and ex-addict Philip McCarthy is showcasing his short film, Dark Room before the world. No mention of it though in this IFB release. That's a shame, but maybe something those in charge of this country could take a look at that sometime. It might actually make a difference.
Time, like everything, will tell.
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