Sitting on a chair writing/editing/proofing is a crippling game. With the dream of this set-up still eons away, working hard on things that may supply some gainful employment in the short-term has been the name of the game in recent days.
It's shut-up or pack-up time and there ain't many more months to go. Production job wanted anywhere, asap, will give as good as one gets and open to offers in excess of £30,000 only. That's the going rate for a workaholic at the baseline, yeah?
I'm not going to pitch favourite destinations because that would be unfair, but The States, Canada and Australia do call at me sometimes, but someone once said that London was a wonderful town, so swapping a village for a city might not be to bad.
Southern Europe also appeals. Driving lake skiers around Lake Como in speedboats by day, and write under an assumed name by night, while growing a few grapes on the side and becoming friendly with the local abstract painter.
But I'd much prefer wild and rugged locations. Shooting movies. Vermont, Denver, New York City, where ever. Tripoli... well, maybe not there!
Night shoots too. Some of the images you see in the darkness are equally as beautiful as those you see in the day light hours. I've been nocturnal over the past week. There is major pangs for sunshine during wet miserable days. Luckily the last few have not been too bad.
The establishment always send their own off well, and it was the case with Brian Lenihan yesterday. There were many plaudits from many people - some really have stiff old necks to show their faces in public - but leaving that aside the 'debate' surrounding his death has been everything from harsh to slightly flattering.
His timing to come to the forefront of Irish politics was not of his making, but once there, one would have to say that at the time of writing many of his decisions were tough on large segments of Irish society, while the establishment who have been protected so well thanks to guarantee's and bailouts generally whisper away among themselves about how tough economically it is in the markets today, as they wait the turning of the corner so they can mount us some more.
Vincent Browne in this article offers more. In it he offers his view on citizenship, or rather expands on what he believes Brian Lenihan's may have been. The thinking being that we are all in it together, so even the margins of society had to suffer like everyone else. The way I view citizenship and especially equality for one and all and how it can be seen as clear as day in society would have had me stretching a little more obliquely with my angle on that particular one.
Flies on walls would make for great story-tellers. Who knows the thoughts of another? How much thinking about society as a whole actually takes place when week after week nothing is done with white-collar crooks while everyone else is kept on a short leash. Except those who run of course. They are immediately released.
With Vincent only getting 5 re-tweets on the twitter machine it's hard to come up with an angle that's going to put you in Sheenland and 'Winning.' I wonder how Charlie is doing these days?
There's an eclipse happening as I write. Visits to the window reveal a covering of cloud. Looks like I won't be catching this one. I suspect a lot of people are feeling a little cheated. They must be, seeing as the astronomy Ireland website has been down for hours. Maybe there is no-one manning mission control. They are probably following the cloud... or the lack of it. Who knows they could be in Iceland, bearded, watching the heavens while pottering about Geysers, taking samples for testing in the State's universities. Come back Chuck Feeney! Then again, despondent, they may be gone to fight their frowns with a some lemon sucking, salt licking tequila slammers. And who could really blame them, over there in the West where 'the Mountains of Mourne sweep down to the sea.'
Perhaps I'll go there...

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