Sunday, November 27, 2011


Some people would reckon other people should never write about suicide - as what gives reason even to a writer to explore the subject to some degree? I think that's part of the thing. There are no real reasons and although families and communities affected by these sudden tragedies often search for reasons why, the answers seem to come up short most of the time.
Still, for me personally anything that causes the deaths of 1 million people worldwide every year deserves more research and study and not so shut away as it is in places, dear old Ireland included. Stats provide numbers, academics and doctors attempt to answer why and yet we continue to come up short, as the number suggest here in Ireland.

I guess you start something in life with a bigger view to what lies behind your chosen pursuit. I definitely gave mine a lot of thought. Probably too much. But I've watched as Ireland has slipped into a nation dealing mostly out of the limelight with various forms of addiction. Depression of many varieties seems to also be rampant. These are worrying trends for a nation going no-where. The answer of course in government will be to cut services - hey, it is the survival of the fittest after all - and I wonder if the many groups involved in the areas are maybe too many and would not benefit further from coming together and trying to get out a similar view on certain issues. The problems are basically being arrested at best - but a tide needs to be turned and given present circumstances it is hard to see nothing but this becoming more of an epidemic in the years ahead.
Wales manager, Gary Speed was found dead today at his home. 42. Two young kids and a wife. Successful professional career. Management and coaching. Even some punditry.
Almost defies belief, but that's how it works most of the time. The easiest coping mechanism for those left behind is to determine as early as possible not to dwell on it too much. For those that do, therein lies another tragedy. Others prefer not to forget at all and honour that friend or loved one in some way. It brings a name and a face to this tragic part of human existence. It's important to do it.

I've also read arguments that highlighting it in certain ways offers some form of glorification. Where did that come from? Nobody ever touched by suicide or its impact will think that way I'm pretty sure. There's nothing glorifying about it. Often just a blanket of stunned silences as we busy ourselves around the other struggles around everyone at the moment.
Really doesn't care for gender, class or race, does it? I suspect there are many causes, few answers and it would appear - up at the top-tier it's not part of the contemporary social agenda. That's more than unfortunate, particularly at this time.

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